83+ Best Camper Van Conversion That Ready for Hitting The Road

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Do you enjoy embarking on long distance road trips every once in a while? During a road trip, you have to spend most of your time inside of the vehicle. It is more practical and not to mention economical. But car is not really made for you to be spending cozy time in it. You need to try on some best camper van conversion ideas in order to make your road trip more convenient. The first thing that you can do is adding cabinets to your van. The cabinets will be used to keep your stuff safely inside. It is going to prevent the inside of your van looking so cluttered and messy.

However, the cabinets are not only having the storage purpose. They also serve as supporting structure to your van. You can place your bed on top of cabinets and the cabinets will act as your bed frame. Another camper can conversion idea that you can try is adding solar panel on top of the roof. It is wasteful to rely on your fuel for electrical supply. A small size solar panel will be able to accommodate you in charging your basic electronics and other low wattage uses. It is especially useful if you cannot make stop since you will still be able to get your electronics fully charged.

When it comes to bedding in a van, many campers are confused because there are so many different ways to approach this case. You can definitely install a fixed bed. However, a fixed bed would be a waste of space in smaller sized vans. The space where you placed the bed cannot be used for other purposes during the day. One of the best camper van conversion ideas for bedding is an electric-moving bed. During the day, the bed is perched on the van’s ceiling but you can press a button and it will move downward. Thus, you can use the space when you are not using the bed.

It is understandably expensive to install such unit, though. Young people would already feel excited about hammock as their sleeping space. It is affordable too.

If you are not keen on cooking inside the van and near the engine, you can definitely make camper van conversion where your kitchen cabinet can be extended outside whenever you need to cook. An example to that is having a sliding cabinet that can be locked securely. You will be able to enjoy camping style cooking this way.

image source : pinterest.com

Katherine Lorena