25 Good DIY Small Apartment Decorating Ideas on a Budget

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Apartment decorating ideas can be a real challenge to choose, especially if you are living in a small apartment. Well, a small apartment gives you cheaper rent, downtown areas, cozy, and charm, but it can be difficult to decorate it, especially to maximize the space.

Well, it is wrong if you just focus on the functionality, not the design. But, it is all about how you can change the short space so it does not make your lifestyle becomes short and limited. So, the key point is to find the ideal balance between the design and the functionality. It means that even though space is small since it has a nice design and nice functionality, you can live there comfortably.

The first thing to do is to create an open concept of living. To start, make sure that you can separate areas. It means each area has its own purpose. You can add a shoe and coat rack not far from the entranceway. So, when you open the door, you can directly store your shoe and coat. The dining areas and kitchen also needs a buffet. This can help you serve and store easily.

Do you have any particular hobby or interest? Then you should display it. It is a good way to separate the space and to let others know about who you are. If you love outdoor biking, for example, you can let your favorite bike has a show.

Additionally, it would be helpful if you buy multipurpose furniture for your apartment decorating. It is because you have a small space so that every inch in your apartment is valuable. Therefore, you should use your money to buy double-duty furniture. For example, you can buy a trundle bed that you can fold into a sofa to watch TV. The last is to rethink about the presence of unused spaces. If the area does not serve something useful, you should find the best way to make it more inviting. For example, you can use the large windowsill as your workspace by adding a shelving unit for the corner. Get more ideas here and enjoy it!

image source : pinterest.com

Katherine Lorena