13 Beautiful DIY Spray-Painted Superhero Lamp

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DIY jobs are getting more popular today since people tend to be creative when they want to make something. Moreover, they want to apply their own concepts and imaginations. There are a lot of DIY jobs, such as a DIY superhero lamp. A lamp is often missed when people decorate their rooms. In fact, lamps can also be a decorative element that makes a room looks more stylish. If your little boy loves superheroes, you can make a superhero lamp by yourself and place it in his bedroom. You can make the lamp from secondhand or unused materials. For example, plastic bottles.

Use colored plastic bottles to make a DIY superhero lamp. Make sure the colors match with the colors of your kids’ favorite superheroes. For example, red and black for Spiderman or black for Batman. Or, you can use transparent plastic bottles and paint them if you find it hard to find colored plastic bottles. Draw your favorite superhero on the plastic bottles and color it. Then, add a lamp inside it. If you want something easier, you can use balloons. It will be better if you use plastic balloons for the sake of safety. With plastic balloons, you are able to make the face of superheroes. Place it on your kids’ bedside tables and it will be a decorative bedside lamp.

The next secondhand item that you can use to make a DIY superhero lamp is cardboards. Cut the cardboards into the face shape of your favorite superheroes. Make at least 3 of them. Then, stick the shaped carboards and place a lamp inside it. Do not forget to color the cardboards first. And voila! You have your decorative DIY superhero lamp. So, are you ready to be creative and create a DIY decorative and unique lamp by yourself?

image source : pinterest.com

Katherine Lorena