16 Awesome Sea Glass Backsplash Tile Collections For Amazing Kitchen

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There is an obscure part of a kitchen that its existence is often overlooked, but the importance cannot be denied. It is called backsplash. The feature extends from your counter space in upward direction. It protects the kitchen’s wall from moisture and grease. If you install beautiful backsplash tile for kitchen, you will see massive improvement from your kitchen’s regular look. There are plenty tile options available in the construction market today. The right tile will transform your whole kitchen. Sea glass is rising in popularity as material for backsplash. Many styles can be found easily depending on what look you are going after.

A sample of backsplash tile for kitchen made of sea glass has ocean sheen inspired aesthetics. The color scheme has rippled blue effect. You can see pieces with light to very dark blue. The finish is made to be glossy to further enhance its look. Each piece of glass has unique tear shape that looks good when assembled. You can purchase it per sheet. There is another rippled tile sheet with ocean inspiration written all over it. Each piece is shaped rectangular and arranged like you would a brick wall. There are pieces which has light blue color, while the others has rainbow like sheen. The finishing for this tile is also glossy.

Do you want a sea glass backsplash tile for kitchen that looks unique? This design might be able to quench your need. The tile sheet consists of square shaped glasses in smaller and bigger sizes. They are arranged to create certain nice pattern. You will not only see blue color. There are various colors included such as brown, orange, and grey. These colors make beautiful gradient design, almost like sunset. Such design will fit perfectly if you have neutral color themed kitchen such as white or beige. It will bring out some brightness to the kitchen. It is also important for your kitchen to have adequate lighting so its glossy finish will make the room shines.

There are also options for backsplash tile for kitchen that has green color scheme. This particular tile has soft sea green color. Each glass piece comes in square shape. It is a great choice if you want your kitchen to look very subtle. Of course, you have the option for green-themed tile sheet with more flair. The green still becomes a major focus of this tile, but some other colors like crystal blue and orange are also added.

image source : pinterest.com

Katherine Lorena