70+ Cool Attic Bathroom Design Ideas

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There are the widely creative ideas that available nowadays regarding home renovation projects. Living in small sized home or apartment is also no longer a trouble at all with a bunch of smart saving space strategies that people can choose as brilliant solution to live comfortably as what they expect for. One of smart saving space strategies you can apply at home is attic bathroom design ideas.

The concept of attic bathroom design ideas is to let people change or remodel the space they have in the attic as comfortable bathroom. Therefore, people can use the space at home for another necessary room as they need without considering a space for bathroom at all because the bathroom is available there in the attic. Among the widely smart ideas of attic bathroom design in today’s sophisticated era, there are still some points you need to concern before do the attic bathroom construction project.

First important consideration is the minimum requirement of the attic height. Not all kinds of attic can be remodeled into bathroom. Minimum requirement needed to applyattic bathroom design ideas is 7 foot. General requirement of building code for attic bathroom requires 7-foot minimum height. Of course this requirement is strongly related to the safety reason.

Besides, the second consideration that you need to concern is of course about additional budget needed regarding additional plumbing. You are required to put additional plumbing system for having sufficient bathroom drainage system. Most people concern about the costly budget to do attic bathroom project.

However, as a smart solution for applying attic bathroom design ideas with low budget for additional plumbing, people will not hesitate to start the project if their attic located directly above their kitchen. If your attic at home is also located above your kitchen, then it is not necessary for you to have costly budget at all for additional plumbing system. Take a look more detail these creative attic bathroom ideas below for your reference, then!

image source : pinterest.com

Katherine Lorena